Residents Privacy notice

1. Our commitment to your privacy

We’re serious about protecting your personal data. This note explains:

  • Where we obtained your data from;
  • The data we collect;
  • How and when we use that data;
  • Your personal data rights;
  • Whether we share your data;
  • How long will we keep your data; and
  • How you can access your data;

2. Personal data that we collect

The data about you that we collect includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, photograph, care plans, next of kin, risk assessments, monitoring charts, medical assessments, records of visits by family and other professionals, personal preferences, dietary requirements, medication and health records and records of your personal property.

We usually collect your personal data from you. We also collect personal data about our residents from the following from third parties:

  • GPs and medical professionals;
  • Family members and next of kin – usually where they have a power of attorney; and
  • Local authorities where we care for residents on their behalf.

We always ensure that we have a lawful basis for processing the personal data that we collect. In the case of our residents, the lawful basis for processing your data is because it’s necessary to perform the contract between us, or where the contract isn’t directly between us (e.g. because it’s between a local authority or someone with power of attorney), because it’s in your vital interests.

Although we need a photograph of you in your care folder, we’ll ensure we obtain your consent before we use any photos of you in our marketing material.

Where we process your sensitive personal data (e.g. data concerning your health), the additional lawful basis for us doing so is that it’s necessary to provide you with health or social care.

3. Your rights in respect of your data

You can ask us for a copy of the data that we hold on you by writing to our Data Protection Officer ad the address below. We’ll ask you for two forms of ID to verify who you are (e.g. copies of your passport and driving licence). You can also ask us to correct your data if it’s inaccurate by speaking with the relevant home manager or writing to our Data Protection Officer.

You also have the right to request amendments to your data and for it to be deleted. Further information about those rights along with your right to withdraw any consent you’ve given or object to our processing your data can be found in our data protection policy on our website:

4. How and when we use your data

We’re committed to using your personal data responsibly and lawfully. We use your data to:

  • Plan, deliver and review your care;
  • Improve the service we deliver;
  • Keep records of your care;
  • Communicate with your family, next of kin and medical professionals when required; and
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements;

We may also use a photograph of you in our marketing materials (where we’ve obtained your consent for this).
Your personal data is all stored within the EEA.

Please let us know if we hold out of date or inaccurate information about you and we’ll correct it.

5. Sharing your data

There are only a few occasions where we may share your data with a third party. They are:

  • When we’re required to disclose it by law – e.g. to the Care Quality Commission;
  • When this is in your best interests or in emergency situations – e.g. to a medical professional;
  • With our professional advisers or insurers (who are required to keep your data confidential).

We have appropriate technology and security measures in place to protect your data.

6. How long we keep your data

We’ve set out how long we keep your data for in our retention policy ( If you would like us to delete your data, you can make a deletion request by writing to our Data Protection Officer.

7. Information about our use of monitoring

We may monitor you and others using CCTV. We do this to prevent or detect crime and for quality control and staff training. This information may also be shared for these purposes.

Our data protection officer

Joe Rice

Country Court Care Homes Limited

Dukesmead Industrial Estate

Werrington Peterborough


Download our Residents Privacy Notice as a PDF.



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