The team at Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon have been celebrating their annual Country Court Staff Awards this week. Traditionally Christmas is an opportunity for Country Court directors to visit Ferrars Hall to say ‘thank you’ in-person to staff teams for all their hard work and to celebrate with their Staff Awards. This year the Awards have gone ahead virtually; with nominations made online, the judges have reviewed the entries and the winners were announced in a series of virtual award ceremonies throughout December, with the Directors broadcasting from their own ‘Santa’s Grotto’.
“The Country Court Board of Directors are extremely proud of our staff family this year.” Said Alykhan Kachra, Co-CEO. “Every day in our homes across the country we have seen examples of how our teams have gone above and beyond to keep our residents safe, often putting them before their own families. We are very lucky to have such a supportive and devoted group of people, the awards are an important opportunity to celebrate the positive work going on in our homes. Our staff should be proud of the difference they have made to people’s lives this year”.
There were over 1000 nominations across the group from staff and residents and their families. This year it was clear how much families appreciated the efforts of staff to keep their loved ones safe and how much staff had supported each other throughout the pandemic.
Winners at Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon were Deputy Manager Josephine Solman, Housekeeper Kim Joyce and Activity Coordinator Richmond Dayap. When nominating their colleague one person said “Richmond is such a hard working person, always supports the residents (and he) created such a great idea for the residents when he made a hanging basket in their room with such a beautiful flower, that made them so happy.”
The award categories are aligned to the company’s three core values of ‘Local home, National family’, ‘Shared experiences bring us together’ and ‘Celebrating life every day’, the values encompass the way Country Court wishes life to be lived in their homes. The awards go to staff who have gone above and beyond to exemplify the family values at the heart of each Country Court home.
To find out more about Country Court Staff Awards 2020 take a look at our Facebook page @ferrarshall or contact Hannah Mills Customer Relations Manager on 01480 456359.