
Oakview Lodge Care & Nursing Home launch Woodland Walkers Group

Staff at Oakview Lodge Care & Nursing Home in Welwyn Garden City have launched a walking group for their residents called the Woodland Walkers Group. The aim of the group is to provide residents with an opportunity to embrace the outdoors and encourage them to improve their mobility in the fresh air.

The Woodland Walkers  -

Our Home Manager, Clare, and I were discussing how much the residents love being in the garden, spotting wildlife, and feeling free during the summer. This conversation sparked the idea for the Woodland Walkers Group,” said Wellbeing Coordinator Rachel Davies.

The benefits of The Woodland Walkers -

The Woodland Walkers Group benefits our residents in many ways. It helps them maintain a daily routine, provides essential vitamin D, encourages social connections and the formation of new relationships, and offers gentle exercise that enhances overall wellbeing and circulation. We hope that a significant benefit of these regular walks will be a reduction in the number of falls as people’s strength and mobility improves,” explained Home Manager Clare Twiss.

Residents at Oakview Lodge have expressed their enthusiasm: “I love walking. It’s something I’ve always done. It keeps my body and mind active.”

The name 'Woodland Walkers' was chosen by our residents from a list of options, and it turned out to be the favourite. This group provides a fantastic opportunity for our residents, allowing them to enjoy the fresh air, observe wildlife, and watch the flowers bloom over time. I love how we can enhance residents' next chapter in life at Oakview Lodge with activities like this.” added Wellbeing Coordinator Miheala.

Learn More - 

For more information about Oakview Lodge Care & Nursing Home, please contact our Customer Relations Manager Julia Rodell at 07960 417 475 or via email at Julia.rodell@countrycourtcare.com

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