Staff at Oakview Lodge Care Home in Welwyn Garden City are delighted with their latest CQC report, which rated them ‘Good’ in all areas. The report stated that ‘People told us they felt safe living at Oakview Lodge, and that the staff treated them with kindness and respect.’ One resident told inspectors, "It's not like they are staff, it's more like a companionship, I feel comfortable with them."
“Our Home Manager Teresa has built a highly dedicated staff team here at Oakview Lodge, they deliver fantastic personalised care for our residents everyday”. said Alykhan Kachra, Managing Director of Country Court Care. “we are delighted that this has been reflected in the report findings”.
Inspectors observed staff showing genuine concern and compassion for the people they cared for. They noted that the approach by staff ensured people's dignity was maintained, both through how care was provided but also through sensitivity and awareness. Staff demonstrated an awareness of people's particular preferences when assisting them with dressing and getting ready for the day. One person said, "I can do most things myself but I let the staff do it because they do my hair much better than I ever could and I feel wonderful when they do. Nothing like a bit of pampering at my age."
The report noted that staff received comprehensive training and that there was a culture of continuous learning with staff proactively seeking areas for improvement. The team is given in-depth training in areas such as dementia, continence and nutrition. Oakview Lodge have appointed staff champions in key areas enabling them to coach and mentor other staff in these subjects. Staff spoke highly of the support they received "We are like a small family, there is always someone I can go to for help and we are always learning, either through training or by doing the job."
Oakview Lodge Care Home
Residents told the inspectors that their choices and preferences were met and staff provided care in a way they liked. One person said, "No matter who it is they know what I want and how I want it, I can choose to have the care when I want and spend my day how I want."
Oakview Care Home offers residential and dementia care for up to 65 adults in a luxury setting. For more information or to discuss individual care needs and availability of beds contact the Home Manager on 01707 375 345. The full report can be accessed here: