
Mayor of Dudley Visits Shenstone Court Care Home in Halesowen

Shenstone Court Care Home in Halesowen, West Midlands, was delighted to welcome Councillor Karen Bills, the Mayor of Dudley, to their Winter Warmer Coffee Afternoon this January. It was the Mayor’s first visit to Shenstone Court Care Home, where she enjoyed a warm welcome from residents, their families, and members of the local community.

Shenstone Court Care Home in Halesowen, West Midlands, was delighted to welcome Councillor Karen Bills, the Mayor of Dudley, to their Winter Warmer Coffee Afternoon this January. It was the Mayor’s first visit to Shenstone Court Care Home, where she enjoyed a warm welcome from residents, their families, and members of the local community.

The event brought people together over hot drinks and homemade treats, with local businesses and representatives from St John’s Church Halesowen also in attendance. The church will be visiting regularly to offer faith and support sessions and to hold church services for residents.

During her visit, the Mayor spent time chatting with residents and their families about Halesowen’s history, her role as Mayor, and the significance of the mayoral chain, explaining the meaning behind its intricate design.

Following the visit, the Mayor left a heartfelt note expressing her gratitude:

"Thank you for your kind invite to Shenstone Court. We had a lovely time. Best wishes, Hilary and John, Mayor of Dudley and Consort."

The team at Shenstone Court Care Home were delighted to host the Mayor and look forward to welcoming her back in the future, particularly as part of her work with Halesowen in Bloom.

Located in Halesowen, Dudley, Shenstone Court Care Home provides high-quality residential care, dementia care, and respite care in a warm and friendly setting. Shenstone Court hosts a monthly Coffee Morning on the last Friday of every month at 2pm in their Bistro Café, where visitors are welcome to enjoy refreshments and meet the team.

Get in touch

For more information, please get in touch with our Customer Relations Manager Chris Ashford at chris.ashford@countrycourtcare.com or call 07960 417287

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