
Mark's wish to visit Old Trafford

Staff at Lostock Lodge Care Home in Lostock Gralam recently made a wish come true for resident Mark with the help of the local Subway store manager. Mark is a lifelong Manchester United Fan and wanted to visit Old Trafford to watch a match. As part of the Country Court ‘Make a Wish’ initiative, residents are given the opportunity to tell members of staff about somewhere they had always wanted to go, something they’ve always dreamed of having or a special activity they would like to do.

Graeme Keast, franchise owner of the Subway store local to the care home, has supported Lostock Lodge since Covid. Graeme often looks at the home’s Facebook page and saw a post of wishes that residents were making for the home’s wish tree. Mark stood out to Graeme as he was wearing a Manchester United top. Graeme being a Manchester United fan himself wondered if he could make someone's wish come true. Graeme contacted the home’s well-being team to see how he could help.

Debbie Buckley, Wellbeing Coordinator at Lostock Lodge explained, “Graeme being a season ticket holder contacted Manchester United to arrange wheelchair-accessible executive tickets to see the match vs. Nottingham Forrest on 26th August. Mark got to visit the Captain's Lounge, where he enjoyed a 3-course meal and free bar and met a former player. After that Mark was escorted down to Stretford End where he watched the game.”

I’ve always been a massive football fan,” said Graeme. “My Grandad played professional football in the 1940s and 50s for Portsmouth and Colchester. He sadly passed away last year in a care home himself, so I know how much he used to enjoy visits and trips out. I just think if there's something you can do to make someone happy then you do it! It was my pleasure to make a fellow red happy and it was great seeing the photos on Facebook, I was delighted to see Mark made it to Old Trafford."

Julie Duckworth, Mark’s long time partner commented "Mark's loyalty to Manchester United has been unwavering even throughout his serious health issues. We are extremely grateful to Graeme Keast from Subway who so generously donated the "wish-come-true" and to the driver Alan from Let’s Go who handled the practicalities to enable Mark to fulfil his wish."

Graeme also provided 100 cookies from Subway on the 26th of August for the other residents and staff, so everyone at the care home got a treat too. Home Manager, Steph Molden commented, “Mark clearly enjoyed his day out, his favourite part was “the red" by this we think Mark means the crowd and the players. We asked Mark if it was a dream come true, which he replied “yes”. He was clearly glad he got to go. We can’t thank Graeme enough for making this happen, it’s wonderful to see our local community getting involved and making our resident’s wishes come true”.

For more information about Lostock Lodge Care Home please get in touch with our Home Manager Steph Molden at lostocklodge@countrycourtcare.com or call us on 01606 331953.

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