
Heartlands Care Home celebrate World Book Day

Staff and residents at Heartlands Care & Nursing Home in Yardley celebrated World Book Day on Friday 5th March. Residents had a fun day seeing the staff team dressed up as characters from classic and much-loved books. They enjoyed listening to them reading in character from their favourite books and reading poems.

Residents selected books to read from the book trolley and spent the day revisiting old favourites from their childhood, as well as exploring some new titles. From Alice in Wonderland to The Cat in the Hat, there was a great variety of books and characters to discover. The day enabled some great talking points with residents and lots of conversations about books and reading.

We had a great day reading out stories and poems.” said Wellbeing Coordinator, Tracy Davies. “The residents loved seeing us all dressed up and had a fantastic time reminiscing about books they’d read and enjoyed as children. It was wonderful to see some of the residents who live with dementia joining in with the poems and stories from their childhood, it obviously sparked some lovely memories for people.”

The event at the home prompted relatives to comment on their loved one’s favourite books too. One person said, “Anne's favourite book is James Bowen's A Street Cat Named Bob. She used to tell us how she loved their bond and the power of their companionship (just like herself and Molly, whose picture hangs on her door). We actually watched the film together in her room just after she moved in with you. She was delighted to see it.”

World Book Day is an annual event celebrated each year in the UK, it is a charity funded by publishers and booksellers in the UK and Ireland. Aimed at children and young people, their mission is to promote reading for pleasure.  Heartlands Care Home have embraced this ambition and encouraged the residents to come together to share the joy of reading for pleasure. The care home has a book trolley that residents can use to choose books to read at any time.

For more information about Heartland Care and Nursing Home, please contact Customer Relations Manager Stacey Debney on 07568 128 210 or email stacey.debney@countrycourtcare.com.

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