
Ferrars Hall resident, Emily knits for premature babies

A kind-hearted resident at Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon has been keeping busy throughout the lockdown by knitting bonnets for premature babies. 99-year-old Emily Ramsey, who loves to knit, has created the tiny bonnets for babies who need to spend time in intensive care.

Emily hopes to deliver the bonnets to the Special Care Baby Unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital once the Coronavirus restrictions have been lifted. “I just love to knit,” said Emily “I knit clothes for dolls for all of the children, but my most favourite thing I have ever knitted was a shawl for my first child”.

Emily was born and raised in the village of Buckden, Cambridgeshire in 1921 and taught herself to knit when she was young. She married her first husband in 1940, they were married for over forty years, Emily has been married to her second husband for twenty-seven years. Emily has five children (three sons and two daughters), seventeen grandchildren, twenty-seven great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren!

We’ve been doing all sorts of activities with our residents and encouraging people to keep busy whilst they’ve been unable to have visits from family and friends,” said Home Manager Susan Dunnell “Emily has been doing a fantastic job knitting the bonnets and we know that the hospital will be very grateful for her wonderful donation”.

For more information about Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon please contact Customer Relations Manager, Hannah Mills on 07568128215 or email hannah.mills@countrycourtcare.com.

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