
Baked with love: delicious treats for residents at Ferrars Hall Care Home

Residents at Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon enjoyed a Valentine party complete with delicious cakes, music and dancing. Chef Manager Bill West was tasked with baking three cakes for residents to sample and they voted for their favourite.  The three cakes chosen for the ‘Baked with Love’ competition were a chocolate and orange cake, Prosecco cake and Biscoff cake. Chefs at the 34 care homes across the Country Court group could interpret the recipes as they wished and create their own decorations. The cakes all had the ‘wow’ factor, and everyone was keen to tuck in and give their opinion on the tastiest.

We chose three very different cakes for our Chefs to prepare.” Explained Senior Catering Operations Support Manager Ian Powell. “We wanted to give the residents the opportunity to try something a little bit different from the standard Victoria sponge. We got some terrific feedback, and the cakes truly were stunning.”

Residents at Ferrars Hall prepared for their party by making decorations and heart-themed artwork in their craft session. They framed and displayed the artwork for visitors and family members to enjoy. Care Assistant Donna provided beautiful floral table decorations making the resident’s Valentine’s Day lunch extra special.

Discussing our favourite cakes was a great conversation starter.” Commented Susan Dunnell, Home Manager at Ferrars Hall. “We discovered everyone loves to talk about cake! We spent time asking each of our residents about their favourite cakes, it was a great way to get to know people who have recently come to live with us. We had fun chatting about our childhood memories of baking and deciding which cakes we’d like to have at our party”.

To find out more about life at Ferrars Hall Care Home contact Katie Peters on 07568 128 215 or email katie.peters@countrycourtcare.com

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