Abbey Grange Care Home are delighted with their latest CQC report, rating them as ‘Good’ in all areas following a recent unannounced inspection. The report noted the “welcoming and positive culture at the home which was encouraged by the registered manager.”
Home Manager, Dipin Peter was very pleased that the report highlighted how welcome people felt when they came to the home “The staff team here at Abbey Grange treat everyone as part of the family, so we’re delighted that this was highlighted in our report”. The report noted that relatives and friends were made very welcome and welcomed into the home in a friendly manner by staff who knew them well.
When asked about the Home Manager staff said, "The manager cares. You want someone like [registered manager] who wants the best for the people who live here" and "I could not wish for a better manager. The relatives adore him."
“Our team at Abbey Grange put our resident’s health and wellbeing at the heart of everything they do every day, we are delighted that this is reflected in the report findings”. said Alykhan Kachra, Managing Director of Country Court Care.
The inspectors spoke to relatives visiting the home who described how the Country Court Care moto 'our family caring for yours' was experienced this in practice whenever they visited. Relative’s comments included, "They look out for the families as well as the residents. You're always welcome here", "They're as quick to hug you as the resident", "They support everyone", "It doesn't matter when I come; they're always caring and approachable" and "They're always welcoming people when they come into the home. It's just fantastic."
The registered provider and registered manager monitored the quality of the service and took action when issues were identified. The Care Home works closely with other organisations to deliver effective care and support to people. Home Manager Dipin was keen to highlight how the home was working closely with local tissue viability nurses to promote best practice in pressure area care within the service. The service had successfully cared for people moving into the home with serious pressure ulcers and this was something they were particularly proud of.
Abbey Grange is in the Firvale area of Sheffield close to the city hospital and offers nursing care, residential care and dementia care for up to 74 people. For more information on our home, please click here.
Read the full report here: